Monday, October 13, 2008


Right now, I'm having a conflict in my life that has to do with people not minding their own business.

I'm dating a boy who has been one of my best friends for a long time, and we're really happy together, right?
And we have a mutual friend, who will go unnamed. She told both of us she didn't have a problem with us dating before we were, so we went ahead and got into a relationship.
But now she's on an angry rampage, because she is also best friends with his ex-girlfriend, who is apparently really hurt by this whole thing.
I think the mutual friend must be experiencing some cognitive dissonance. She is friends with me and my boyfriend, but she is also friends with his ex-girlfriend. She doesn't know who to agree with, especially because the ex-girlfriend made some bad choices in college that she doesn't agree with, which is mainly why her and my boyfriend broke up in the first place. So even though my friend doesn't agree with the ex-girlfriend's lifestyle, she is still supporting her side over ours.


Parth Patel said...

Wow, seems pretty intense, especially when you fill in the blanks with all the names.

I hope you can work it out and that everything goes well.

Beth said...
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