Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Abu Ghraib Prison Story

I hate America.

No, really. Sometimes I'm ashamed to admit to myself that I live in a country so full of hypocracy and secrets. Actually, this is true most of the time.
Our country preaches about equality, opportunity, and freedom. And yes, the benefits of being an American outweigh the benefits of most other countries.
But in this case, the knowledge that I am an American makes me want to throw up.

I fully believe that the outcome of the Abu Ghraib Prison Story is completely the fault of the American soldiers and the concept of mass hysteria. The soldiers were so full of prejudice against the Iraqui people, and rightly so for what they had seen in their line of duty, but they acted on their prejudice in ways that are unimaginable. No human being should ever have that much power over another life.

It was estimated that 90% of the prisoners were discovered innocent after the fact. 90%!
9 out of 10 of the abused, humiliated, tortured human beings in that prison had no more of a connection to our enemy than you or me. That is disgusting.

If there had been more supervision over the soldiers, this would have never happened.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Supervision. Oversight. In a democracy that responsibility falls on the citizens. Do we get what we vote for? But I agree, there were social psychological forces at play here but I think some high-ranking military personnel allowed this to go on because of a lack of supervision.